2021 Photo Contest Winners


First Prize

Sarah Pellecchia

Second Prize

Lisa Moore

Third Prize

Jim Hay

Honorable Mention

Silja Sistok

Honorable Mention

Sarah Pellecchia

Honorable Mention

Christopher Corr


First Prize

David Lamb

Second Prize

David Lamb

Third Prize

Page Morahan


First Prize

Sarah Pellecchia

Second Prize

David Lamb

Third Prize

Sarah Pellecchia


First Prize

Christopher Corr

Second Prize

Julie Danan

Third Prize

Christopher Corr

Honorable Mention

Lisa Moore

Honorable Mention

David Rosenthal


First Prize

David Rosenthal

Second Prize

Heather Jensen

Third Prize

Heather Jensen

Honorable Mention
Julie Danan

Black and White

First Prize

Stanley Silverman

Second Prize

Stanley Silverman

Third Prize

Vira Katolik

Emphasis on Color

First Prize
Stanley Silverman

Second Prize
Sam Wolf

Third Prize
Lori Voltmer

Newcomers Award

First Prize

Vira Katolik

Second Prize

Julie Danan

Third Prize

Linda Weller

Honorable Mention

Silja Sistok

Director's Award

For the Image That Most Exemplifies The Mission of the Trust

Lori Voltmer